Saturday, August 25, 2012

In Which a Lady Returns from a Long Absence

To all my Dear Friends-

I have been much distracted from my Writings, which is quite shameful of me- as some well-meaning (and much in the right) companions have seen fit to remind me. I have a few new-old writings to supply below the following, but they are from some time ago, and are nowhere near enough to fill the long gap between Then and Now. Having made so many promises to keep up with my journaling, whatever could have led an Honest Lady astray? Well, a great many things in truth, but one Pressing Matter in particular, which is that rather than spending my time employed in industrious endeavors I have been Very Busy perfecting the fine art of Courting.

Which, you see, is another way for me to say that I have been passing my summer in a happy haze of walks and talks and sweet nothings spent with the Fine Ruffian, Jack Corsair.  A fellow citizen of the stage, we had been acquainted before, but had never had occasion to speak properly or at length. As we were now in the same show with many long hours to while away backstage, we naturally formed alliance as the majority of our other companions were far older or younger than ourselves. I will admit that I was much charmed by his roguish nature and appearance (he is nothing if not a Character and a Showman) but as a discerning Lady ‘twas the gentleman underneath that won me over in the end- for though he is at times wild, he is always as kind and gentle as one could ever wish a man to be. I shall not bore you with the many small and delicate Flirtations that led to our courting, though I must remark on the fact that it was I who found herself out on a limb, nerves all aflutter, suggesting we frequent a coffeehouse together. See now, how my good Alma Matter has taught me to be a Bold Lady! Dear Mr. Corsair would sulk to hear me bring up such old news again, for I have teased him over my superior courage (in this matter) far too much, but I’m sure his Dignity will recover and he’ll not hold a grudge. Though when we met he was something of a vagabond of the theatre, returned to his family’s estate after a period of gallivanting, he has recently secured a post working with individuals in need of special care and attention - a noble pursuit I find quite telling of his character, for I think I would not have the patience or goodness to hold such a position.

As you all must know, coffee went very well indeed, and we have since been very much in each other’s company. I do fear that being in the first rosy stage of our relationship, where there is such enjoyment from spending time together and learning all the small things that make a person, my family has felt slighted by the split in my attentions- something I did not mean in the least part! I must endeavor to remind them that my Love and Loyalty will always be theirs. I will not embarrass myself in an attempt to describe our feelings as something new for I know that they have been felt by many others before. Still, I will say that there is something exhilarating but also wonderfully comforting in finding someone who cares to know all the little pains and pleasures of your day, and makes you happy regardless of other troubles. Ah, I’ve become a sap it seems! Enough of that for now- if I go on I’ll surely work myself into a Gloom for I am leaving my Corsair to return for my final term of Schooling, and I know that I will soon be greatly missing him, home, and family.  There is comfort in the thought of friends I will be returning to, and the fact that Master Fox is even now employed in my city by the sea. He is helping guide and educate the next generation of youths, a worthy task that he is equal too, though we cannot help but worry after him.

Now, I feel I’ve go on quite enough for one day, but I intend to be severe with myself again and write daily.

With much Affection,

~Lady Morewit

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