Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Mother Departs

From June the 15th

We escorted Mother to the City today where she was to rendezvous with an acquaintance for a grand trip. She was to be a Person of Importance amongst a gathering against That Most Terrible Industry, which made us proud, but she is such a cornerstone of our family that it was hard to see her off knowing that she would be gone from the Manor until Monday.  It was also with some trepidation that we saw her leave, as her travelling companion was one Mrs. Rigaud – a Lady that Master Fox and I both find to be less than amiable, despite her high status and fine intelligence.  But what’s done is done! We shall see how it goes, and hope for the best.

The rest of the day passed quickly, for after returning home it seemed that we were immediately out again, this time to Town. Master Fox had gotten it into his head that he WOULD teach myself and our friends a rather newfangled sport (of sorts) the has recently reached our shores by way of France. I was quite eager to learn it myself as it is just the sort of Rough and Tumble Activity that appeals to me (and as you all know, I am not really a dainty Lady, and never turn up my nose at Good Fun).

Thus, I spent some hours leaping and rolling and vaulting about in the Park and making a proper fool of myself, I’m sure. It was not all in vain though, for I managed to acquire some little skill at a few simple vaults and improved my roll. Master Fox was eager to teach his gentleman friends the same, but when we had first arrived Master Merritop had been in the midst of doing chores for his Lady Love, and Master Tigan was not in sight. After a time, Tigan appeared with a male acquaintance in tow, but his arrival didn’t bring the willing accomplice we had expected. Tigan was not himself, being rather Dulled Down and Tired, and unwilling to properly join-in with our merriment and sport. I suppose I ought not to judge another without knowing him well, but I could not help but feel it was in part the Companion’s fault, for the young man seemed a very Common sort of fellow with no life to him. Why, I’m quite sure I would have enjoyed the company of a toad, for a toad at least has some spark to his eye and a semblance of character. There we have it. I’m a spiteful sort of girl, trying to blame the poor fellow for anything. I’m sure he was… very nice.
In any case, we had a great deal of fun later with the Love Birds, especially when Master Fox tried to teach us some simple cartwheels, which none of us could quite manage to perfect.

Till tomorrow,

~Lady Morewit

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